What is the difference between relative and absolute positions in CSS?

What is the difference between relative and absolute positions in CSS?

absolute and relative position properties are used a lot in CSS and seem to be doing the same work, which is positioning an element in the page. But in reality, they're different.

In this tutorial we'll see how each one of these properties work.

1)-First difference

a)- absolute position

Let's just take a simple html page that contains 4 <div></div> tags one inside another. These <div></div> tags have a width, height and a background-color.

The HTML code will be:

html code.PNG And the CSS code is:

CSS code.PNG the display flex property is just to center the boxes vertically one inside another. So at the end we'll have:

boxes.PNG Now let's apply the position absolute to the small blue box, which means box 4.

So the CSS code becomes:

box4 absolute.PNG If you refresh the browser you will not see anything changed. Why? Because the absolute position needs top, bottom, left and right values.

let's position this blue box at the top left corner of the green box. For that we'll set the top and left to 0px and see what will happen.

The CSS code will be:

left top 0px.PNG So in the browser we'll have:

results.PNG Wow, what's this! This is not what we want at all ! Why did the blue box move to the top left corner of the page instead of the top left corner of the green box ?

Well, it is because when applying the absolute position to an element, It positions itself to the closest parent that has already its position set.

Here in this example, none of the 3 remaining boxes (light blue, red, green) have their position set. The default position that they have is unset.

unset.PNG So the small blue box did not find any parent element to position itself to, so what it did it positioned itself to the body.

Now, if there was a parent element with a specific position already set, let's say the position of the green box (which means box3) is set to absolute:

greenbox absolute.PNG We would have had the results wanted:

blue positioned to green.PNG Let's say now that we want to position the blue box to the red box, so we will add the absolute position to the red box (box 2) and remove it from the green box. Because if we keep the absolute position in the green box as well, the small blue box will position itself to the the closest parent it finds that has the absolute position.

So the code will be:

blue positioned to red.PNG In the browser we'll have:

positioned to the red.PNG

b)- relative position

Now let's change the position type of the blue box and set it this time to relative instead of absolute. Also let's give it a top value of 10px and a left value of 20px.

relative position.PNG So in the browser we'll have:

relative top and left.PNG As you have probably noticed, the blue box this time positioned itself to its origin, and not to a certain parent element as with absolute position. And this is the difference between absolute and relative positioning.

You can add absolute or relative position to any parent box you want, this will not affect the positioning of the small blue box.

Because relative position cares only about the origin of the element, and not about a certain parent element position like absolute position does.

2)- Second difference

a)- absolute position

Now let's take 3 boxes, or 3 <div></div> tags that will be aligned one next to another. Each box has a background-color:

3 boxes code.PNG So in the browser they look like:

3 boxes in the browser.PNG Now we'll add position absolute to the orange box in the middle (box 2):

3 boxes absolute position.PNG If we check the browser we'll find this:

absolute position.PNG Wait! Where is the green box? Is it removed from the HTML page?

Well, actually the green box is still there, it is just that the orange box is hiding it. To see the green box let's add some left and top properties to the orange box:

left and top for 3 boxes.PNG Now in the browser we can see the green box:

orange box.PNG But what happened exactly?

Well, when we apply the absolute position property to an element, it no longer belongs to the document flow. The absolute position removes the element from the document flow, and as a result, the place that this element occupied is now filled by the rest of HTML elements, so this way, when the element to which we applied the absolute position moves, there will be no gap between the elements.

That's what happened to the orange box here. As absolute position is applied to it, the orange box moved and the space that it occupied was quickly filled by the green box.

b)- relative position

Now let's add relative position to the orange box instead of absolute, and keep the same left and top values:

3 boxes relative.PNG So in the browser we'll have:

3 boxes relative position.PNG As you have probably noticed, this time the space that the orange box occupied before is not removed or filled by another HTML element, it is still there. So here box 2 is not taken out from the document flow, it simply shifted to the left and top by the values we gave it.

And this is the 2nd difference between absolute and relative positions.

3)- Conclusion

absolute and relative positions seem to work in the same way but they are very different.

absolute position takes the element out of the document flow and positions the element to the closest parent that has a position property set. If there is no close parent, then the element is positioned to the body.

relative position keeps the element in the document flow and positions it to its origin.

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